Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Will you marry me?

Best day of my entire 21 years came December 19, 2010!
Chris asked me to marry him :)
Finally!! (as my cousins would say) ;]
It was seriously perfect! He has always been very creative and romantic--in his own cute way! For weeks we had it planned that we would exchange christmas gifts that night since we were leaving to come back to E-town for break. He talked me into giving him his gift the week before so I was the only one left to "open" a gift.
Here's the story:
Allllll day I was anxious to get off work and go open my gift! I was soo curious!
Little did I know that a long string of planned lies lead to this wonderful moment!
(starting back at Thanksgiving when he asked my dad!)
I came over to his apartment smiling ear to ear! He instructed me that the gift was "too big" and that I needed to go into his room and wait while he set everything up. I went in there with our kitty Roxy and waited.
Soon after he came into the room and told me to close my eyes. I closed my eyes and he walked me into the living room and sat me in a chair in front of the TV.
He said that instead of getting me a card, he made me a video. It started off with just pictures of us. Then it went to pictures of different places we like to go (Los Nopales- the place we met; More than Video- the place we rented out first movie in BG; The stoop outside of Bemis- the place we sat and talked the first year we were together; etc..) Finally, at the very end there was a little poem. Basically it said that we have had a wonderful time together but nothing will compare to the day we finally get to walk down the aisle. Then it said " I know I told you I did not have money for a ring, but I lied...Will you marry me?"
I seriously went into shock! :)
I could not stop smiling! I turned to him and he had the ring out and offically asked me. I said "of course!!!" and gave him a huge hug!!
It was the best!!
The ring is the best!!!
I could not have asked for a better start to my Holiday break!

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