Saturday, August 20, 2011

Where to go from here?

This is just a blog of questions. Questions stirring around in my exhausted brain.
It is hard going through life wanting answers and you just have to be patient that God will work it all out.

Isn't it weird how the BEST things that have EVER happened to you occur at the same time the WORST things in the world (that is probably an exaggeration) happen to you?

At first glance my life seems to be crumbling in front of my own eyes. Everything I've valued for so long is falling apart--but if I take a giant step back I can refocus and remind myself of everything I need to be thankful for.
Why do all of the bad things going on seem to get thrown in my face constantly..but the good things get pushed to the back burner making me forget about them? It is a constant struggle but I am pulling those positive things back out. Who, honestly, want to go through life so unhappy?

I was struggling with my faith so much before I found The Bridge Community church in town. I know some people who would look down on me for not staying at the church I was raised in--but what makes me even more confused is how they can't see or accept (or don't want to see or accept) how positive this new church has made my life. I feel like a new person. Instead of fighting with myself everyday I embrace the questions I can't answer. No, I don't know everything there is to know about the bible. But it is time i make decisions on my own. I can not go through life embracing the beliefs of other people. I can't say, Well so and so told me this is true so i did it. Really...

I'm sorry if I've completely confused or bored you all with this word vomit (yes, Mean Girls reference)!
My life is definitely at a crossroads. There are a lot of unanswered questions i am dealing with--so maybe this blog will be therapeutic for me! :)

1 comment:

  1. Jamie, isn't it funny how life seems to be crumbling around you and yet it still goes on? I know. I know what you're going through and I'm waiting for you to come to me even if you want no advice. God has a funny way of putting the people and things you need in your life during certain seasons... isn't it funny how there are a few people in your life that are there for every season?
