Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Holy Moly School slow down!!!

So, senior year of college is NOTHING like senior year of high school! Yikes! I feel like all I ever do is work, work, work, homework, work, work, homework. repeat.
I hate complaining. I really do. I know it is annoying to hear--but geeze! I am in over my head with my 18 hours.
I know I want to be a teacher. I love it so much! I came to WKU because everyone praises their Education department. Well, without getting into too much detail I am starting to believe it is not that great. It really starts to discourage people from teaching. Some of the expectations are unrealistic. I understand why they do it; weed out people who really don't want to teach...but seriously. It is a little redonkulos (that is definitely from Shrek ;)
All I keep telling myself is it will be over soon. God never gives us more than we can handle!
I am thinking about getting that quote as a tattoo! somewhere I will see constantly.
It is funny, Church on Sunday was about giving Thanks to God in all situations. Even when we are down we have a lot to be thankful for. I definitely agree. We get bogged down with stuff that does not matter.
I know I have a lot of things to work on. Slowly but surely I am making wonderful changes in my life!

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