Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thankful in November

I must say I have soo much to be thankful for!

Just to name a few:
My amazing family. As I get older I realize how much I need them in my life. If something goes wrong they are who I lean on. If something goes right they are who I call and express my excitement!

Chris-my blessing from God. He seriously came to my life at the perfect time. I was in kind of a bad place. I was so negative before him. I had a negative self image. Negative thoughts on life. Negative feelings about love and boys in general. He has shown me love--It is okay to be myself with him. Hold on to my beliefs/morals/etc. I love him with all of my heart.

My friends are such a blessing! I have had a lot of friends come and go but the few that have stuck around are really amazing. It is funny how they always know what say or do when you need them the most!

Wonderful coworkers. I can not express how much more enjoyable work is when you like the people you work with! They are all amazing people--both professionally and personally. This goes for my GAP peoples as well! I love and miss you all sooo much!

There are so many more things I am thankful for.
Humor--gets me through some of the hard times!
Sunny days at WKU- simply beautiful
lazy saturdays (few and far between) but they are so refreshing!
God's forgiveness and mercy. Where would we be without it?
Prayer and it's strong power in my life.
Matt Deaton's Lessons on Sunday morning. They always speak to my heart!
I could go on and on! I hope that my life keeps going as good as it has been! I am so hopeful for my future.

My niece Mackenzie <3 true love

Holy Moly School slow down!!!

So, senior year of college is NOTHING like senior year of high school! Yikes! I feel like all I ever do is work, work, work, homework, work, work, homework. repeat.
I hate complaining. I really do. I know it is annoying to hear--but geeze! I am in over my head with my 18 hours.
I know I want to be a teacher. I love it so much! I came to WKU because everyone praises their Education department. Well, without getting into too much detail I am starting to believe it is not that great. It really starts to discourage people from teaching. Some of the expectations are unrealistic. I understand why they do it; weed out people who really don't want to teach...but seriously. It is a little redonkulos (that is definitely from Shrek ;)
All I keep telling myself is it will be over soon. God never gives us more than we can handle!
I am thinking about getting that quote as a tattoo! somewhere I will see constantly.
It is funny, Church on Sunday was about giving Thanks to God in all situations. Even when we are down we have a lot to be thankful for. I definitely agree. We get bogged down with stuff that does not matter.
I know I have a lot of things to work on. Slowly but surely I am making wonderful changes in my life!