Monday, May 24, 2010


My Papaw, Mamaw, Aunt Anne, and Uncle Bob

Street my cousin doug lives on- so cute!

Doug's house!

plane ride to NY

me and my sister in the airport! She flew out to Honduras same time I flew out to NY! Her plane ride was a little longer ;)

I am such a slacker! I created this blog to be my tool for venting, sharing ideas, etc. but I have really been lazy! Life has been a whirl wind lately...I got home from college for the summer Sunday evening. Flew up to New York on Wednesday. My papaw got sick while he was up there visiting family with my mamaw. I flew up to help them drive back to KY. While I was there I got to see a lot of my family! It was the best trip!! I love sitting with all of them, listening to them tell stories with their northern accent; just reminiscing and having great conversation. As horrible as it sounds that is probably the last time I will see some of them. Uncle Bob is around 86, Aunt Anne is 90, Aunt Margie is 84, and Aunt Betty is around 86. They are such wonderful people with wonderful stories I am so grateful to get that time with them!
I LOVED New York so much. I never thought I would ever want to live anywhere other than KY with my immediate family but being up there was such a great experience. Albany is not a huge "city" but it is definitely different from KY! (in a good way :] )
I already miss my cousins.
If I could I would book a flight for tomorrow and go back! I know I would miss my loved ones here but going up to New York, chatting with all my family up there, about all of their travels and life experiences made me realize one important life lesson. We all say, live life to the fullest, but very few of us honestly take all those chances and LIVE LIFE.
I want to travel,
I want to see the other side of the world,
I want to see all the places where movies are filmed,
where Jesus walked,
where great authors strolled around being inspired for their next book.
I want all of it. Now is the time for me to be doing these things.
I wont go on these trips once I am married with kids. I have a chance to go to Germany once my cousin moves over later this summer and I am going to go.
Mark my words! Money permitting I will go this winter break or next summer break!! :)

Well That is all I am going to bore you with! Thanks for reading my thoughts!

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