Monday, June 28, 2010

drawing a blank

...Have you ever had so much to say but when it comes down to putting the words on paper (or typing them out, in this case) nothing comes out? Like, all day long your mind races with ideas, funny quotes, interesting ideas, nerve hitting remarks, etc...
Anyway-that always seems to happen to me on here.

I was thinking about our church service this past Sunday. Recently my mom, dad, and I have been attending a new church. Sunday the junior minister got to speak for the first time. I was so nervous for him ( I have no idea why-maybe it is the size of Sunday morning service?) He really surprised me! I was proud! He did a really great job. He was engaging, funny, smooth, enlightening, but most of all he spoke words that seemed to completely fit into my life.
I love when I go to a service, hear the message, and it is something that I really needed.
He started off explaining about how 68% (made that up--don't remember the real number!) of Americans make new years resolutions...38% (made that one up too!) usually have something to do with losing weight...and how we all could spiritually lose weight. Pretty good opener! Then went on talking about how we need to set goals in order to know where we are, how to get to where we need to be, and stay on track. Now, he isn't getting an award for most original idea, but it was how he said it. How he presented all the information-he has a real voice...he is believable.
Basically, i really like him..and his lesson. I wish He could lead the service for all of the young adults.. more often.

I guess I am going to call it a night! Tomorrow I get to see my boyfriend! He is coming up from Bowling Green to visit!! :) We are going swimming at his Mimi's pool...maybe I'll post some pictures for you all to see! <3